Selling conditions

This is a distance contract pursuant to art. 50 and ss. Of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (“Consumer Code”). The Contract concerns the sale of movable property between Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole., With registered office in Greve in Chianti, Via Lamole, 64, Fiscal Code SCCNMR60L61E169T – IT00655330520, and the customer. The Contract is concluded directly through acceptance by Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole of a purchase proposal issued by the Customer by telephone or through the website and / or through other distance selling systems.

Product prices are to be understood as VAT included.
Some products may be subject to limited availability, therefore, acceptance byAzienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole of the purchase proposal submitted by the Customer is subject to the availability of the products in stock. Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole undertakes to promptly communicate to the Customer any unforeseen depletion of stocks due to excess question or other cause.
Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole reserves the right to renounce the sale and to communicate this waiver to the customer within 10 days of receiving the order.

Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole delivers the products, at the address indicated by the Customer, within 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the Contract.
The contract is considered concluded at the time of payment as indicated.
Any complaint can be sent to the following address: info @
Upon delivery, the customer must check:
● the integrity of the package and that it is not damaged or wet, that it complies with the normal characteristics of a package.
● the correspondence of the number of packages with those indicated on the carrier’s letter.
● The signature of the delivery documents implies the unconditional acceptance of the goods by the customer.
● Any disputes must be immediately and raised to the carrier; in the absence of these, the product is considered delivered correctly; all the documents contained in the package must be kept.
● The dispatch of the package must be made first to the courier who made the delivery by calling, if available, a toll-free number or any other number made available, or to the nearest office. Then email the dispute to accompanied by photos, time and day of delivery, number of practice issued by the courier who made the delivery.
● Claims will not be accepted for more than 5 days from receipt of goods.
If the goods are visibly damaged, (broken packaging, spilled wine, etc.) , upon delivery by the courier, it is recommended to reject the goods.
Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole will ship the whole products back to you.
In case of delivery of an order of goods through different units, simply reject the package containing the damaged goods and write on the bill ” With reserve “.
Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole will replace only the goods arrived damaged.

The right of withdrawal can be exercised, within the terms provided, by sending a written communication to the following address Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole – 50022 Greve in Chianti (FI), Via Lamole, 64
The right of withdrawal can be exercised within 14 working days from receipt of the goods (art. 65 paragraph 2 letter a). The right of withdrawal is respected if within said period of time Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole has received notice of intentions of the customer. The communication must be sent by registered letter with return receipt, or by e-mail (
The goods received must be returned to the following address: Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole – Via Lamole 64, 50022 Greve in Chianti (FI) within the maximum term of 15 working days from the date of receipt of the goods). < br /> Shipping costs are charged to the customer.

The Customer declares and guarantees: (i) to be a consumer according to the provisions of art. 3 of the Consumer Code; (ii) to be of age; (iii) that the data provided by the same for the execution of the Contract are correct and true.
Purchase contracts entered into by minors.
The purchase can only be made by adults. However, if the purchase by a minor occurs, providing false information relating to age, or false indications to purchase the desired object and / or to access the desired data, the parents are directly responsible for the payment of what purchased without prejudice to the discipline of withdrawal of these conditions of sale

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 days from the receipt of the products.
The Customer can exercise the right of withdrawal , within the aforementioned term, manifesting it by means of a written communication at the Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole , from send by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or by telegram or e-mail.
The Customer who intends to avail himself of the right of withdrawal must return the products to the address indicated on the invoice, following the instructions contained therein, within 15 days from receipt of products. Pursuant to article 55, second paragraph, of the Consumer Code, the Customer will not have the right of withdrawal in the following cases:
– supply of products made to measure or personalized, or which by their very nature cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or deteriorate rapidly (e.g., foodstuffs);
The costs of returning the products are charged to the Customer.Azienda Agricola Le Masse di Lamole will return, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the products by the Customer: (i) the full price paid by the Customer in case of return of the product intact; or (ii) the part of the price equivalent to the product actually returned by the Customer who has consumed it in an appreciable way and / or such as to diminish its value.
The goods must be returned in its original packaging and in a packaging suitable to guarantee its integrity during transport.

These General Conditions, as well as any sales contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer, will be regulated and interpreted in accordance with Italian law.


For any and all disputes arising from these General Conditions and from the sales contracts concluded on the basis of the same, the exclusive jurisdiction will be Italian and the jurisdiction will belong exclusively to the Forum of Florence.